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Selection of submersible pump cable

Release Date:2019-05-15


When wiring, want to decide the size of wiring according to the length of cable of submersible pump above all, if cable of configuration of former pump is 10 square metre, need to match the cable of 50 meters, should increase at this time submersible pump cable configuration 16 square metre is advisable.

If the use of submersible sewage pump itself voltage needed for the power supply voltage is slightly lower than the sewage pump, and add the required configuration and length of cable and cable pump operation will become more big, if long time work of sewage pump pump motor is very bad, under the condition of the sewage pump submersible pump cable wiring and YCW type or YC type rubber set soft cable, such as not advised to choose a type of YCW submerged cable.

Submersible sewage pump should also be based on the choice of liquid media, such as the spread of corrosive liquid, then the rubber cable should choose stainless steel and corrosion resistant submarine cable, otherwise the submarine cable will be corroded, resulting in a dangerous accident of leakage.

A relatively simple algorithm is given: the number obtained by motor power 25 is the basic cable configuration of submersible pump, and then gear configuration. Generally, there is no problem, and it is more economical and applicable. When working normally, it is enough to hold the cable without heating up. But in order to meet the use and economy, the best choice is accurate